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Joining Membershp

Joining Membership

To join Evangel Baptist Church, an applicant must be interviewed by at least two Elders, provide a written testimony about their Christian faith and reasons for seeking membership, and be publicly introduced to the Church. If no negative submissions are received from other Church members within a two week period, the applicant will be publicly welcomed into membership on the next Lord's Day. If negative submissions are received, the application will be withheld until investigations are completed.


  • Applicants shall be interviewed by at least two Elders. During the interview the Elders will seek to clarify any questions the applicant may have concerning the Church or Church membership.

  • If the applicant is, or has been, a member of another Church, special effort will be made to determine his standing in that Church and his reasons for leaving. At the discretion of; the Elders, a letter of; inquiry concerning the persons standing may be sent to that Church before his acceptance as a member in this Church is determined.

  • Upon the reception of a written testimony, the Elders may at their discretion ask for a preliminary meeting with the applicant; otherwise, the name of the applicant shall be announced at least two weeks before being presented for acceptance at a stated meeting of the Church.

  • This time period is for the purpose of enabling the church members to read his testimony and to raise any questions or objections concerning the applicants qualifications.

Membership Requirements

Membership Requirements

  • To be eligible for membership in a Church, a person must show evidence of repenting towards God and living a faithful Christian life, as well as expressing agreement with the Church's purpose, covenant, confession, values, and government. This requires observation over a period of time, which will be determined by the Elders on a case-by-case basis. The person must also be baptized by immersion after accepting Christ as their savior, and must express voluntary, intelligent, and substantial agreement with the Church. Substantial agreement is necessary to maintain unity and peace within the Church.

  • Church members must be in submission to the ordained rule of the Church to which they belong

  • If someone is fundamentally opposed to the purpose, constitution, or confession of the Church, they would not be able to fully participate in the Church's teachings. Therefore, it would be unwise, divisive, and against the teachings of the Bible to allow someone with such disagreements to become a member of the church.


What Is Expected Of Members

  • All the members of the Church are required to attend all the stated meetings of; the Church

  • Members of the Church are expected to regularly engage in personal spiritual practices, such as reading the Bible daily, praying and worshipping with their family, and observing the Lords day with reverence.

  • Christians are required to financially support the work of the Church through systematic and proportionate giving, with the tithe being a recommended expression of worship and obedience to Biblical norms. In addition to the tithe, Christians should also give gifts and offerings according to their ability and willingness. This is based on teachings in the Scriptures, including Matthew 3:8-10, 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, and Malachi 3:6-10.

  • As members of the Church and of one another, we have certain responsibilities to each other. These include being transparent and honest, showing support and encouragement, confessing our faults to one another, and avoiding gossip and criticism. We should also strive to oversee and support one another in our faith, and offer guidance and encouragement as needed. These responsibilities are based on teachings in the Bible, including Romans 12:5, Ephesians 4:25, 1 Corinthians 12:26, James 5:16, Matthew 18:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15, and Hebrews 3:12-13 and 10:24-25.

  • All who come into the membership of this Church are expected to recognize and to submit to the
    oversight of the Eldership of the Church (I Cor. 16:15, 16; 1 Thess. 5:12, 13; Heb. 13: 17).

  • Members of the Church are expected to follow the teachings of the Bible in regards to family life and government. The husband is the head of the family and is responsible for leading with love, wisdom, and firmness, while the wife is to be in submission to her husband. Both the husband and wife should nurture and instruct their children according to the teachings of the Bible, including discipline when necessary. Children are expected to obey their parents and show respect to them. Single believers are encouraged to remain pure and only commit to a godly, growing believer. Widowed or divorced believers should seek counsel and guidance, and the Church should provide comfort and aid to them as outlined in the Scriptures.

  • It is the duty of every Christian, as an individual and as a member of a local Church, to labor by prayer, word, and deed for the extension of the kingdom of God in ever widening circles beginning at home and stretching forth to the ends of the earth (Isa 54:1-3; Acts 1:8). Therefore, every member of this Church is expected to prayerfully recognize and to seize every opportunity to bear witness to his faith in Christ, both by consistent Christian conduct and by the testimony of his lips (1 Peter 3:15).

  • Members of the Church are expected to follow the moral teachings of the Bible in their daily lives and to exercise their Christian liberty in a way that honors God, respects the consciences of others, shows compassion for the lost, and promotes the spiritual health of their own soul. This includes being mindful of the impact of their actions on others and striving to live in accordance with the values and principles outlined in the Bible.

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