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Stay Encouraged!

Updated: Feb 5

encouragement. blog, church, christian

Brethren, there are a number of trails, challenges and things we are all going through and they all bring a ton of discouragement. Making one feel like giving up all together.

If there is anything you and I should remain firm on is staying encouraged. If we get discouraged and show it, there are thousands out there whose journey keeps going because they are looking up to us. Our families at home and at church, our friends, people who watch us from a distance, and those who hear about us.

Staying encouraged comes from a heart of gratitude. Think of the many things God has done for his glory, with you and for you. Now that should encourage you. You quickly realize that your discouragement is nothing but a detour that you can stir into a push.

Stay focused on the Lord and what he is doing.

The pastor's Desk✍🏽

With Pastor Saidi

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